Website Copy / Blog Post

How Do Mutual Funds Work? Hungry Students
Cowrywise is a duly registered fund manager/financial manager with Nigeria's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This blog post explains in simple, relatable terms what mutual funds are and how they work. The audience was the average Nigerian university student, so the story, language, and tone were casual, light, and playful
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Website Overhaul
A website overhaul for an automobile repair, sales, and purchase brand. The aim was to build trust and emphasize how customer-oriented the brand is. While maintaining a professional tone, I aimed to achieve a solid and convincing language system.
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Blog Post - Death of a Bad Romance
A blog piece on the changes of the COVID-19 virus on the work ethics of Nigerians. The article was for a staffing and recruitment agency. A light read, remaining informative but not assertive in the information the brand was trying to share.
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Website Debug
Infratel Africa is a leading telecommunication infrastructure service provider in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa. The content had to be technical and appeal to the target audience to show the scope of operation and range of cover Infratel has. It should command authority in the industry and help influence the decision-making of prospective clients.
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Website Copywriting
The Enterprise Club is a platform for business owners to brainstorm, collaborate, and find support from financial and government institutions to expand their business network and net worth. The website, therefore, needed to reflect the competence and breed confidence in the service the brand looks to offer
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