Ashley Bellivaeu’s artist bio


Raised and bred in a small farm outside of Cleveland, Ohio, Ashley Bellivaeu tells a story of nature and the beauty it encompasses in her artworks. Her childhood spent around horses and effortlessly flowing streams ingrained in her discipline, dedication, grace, free will and fluidity. These traits are embodied in her pieces, as she blends movement and liquidity gotten from nature, with structure and geometry gotten from living amidst the hustle and bustle of city life in downtown Cleveland.

A self-taught artist who has honed her skills over 10 years, finding her methods, perfecting them and gradually evolving as an artist. She presently lives and creates in her studio located in the art and theatre district of downtown Cleveland. Her unique balance of “free” and “structured” style of art, interplays to create abstract pieces that encompass layers, colours and most importantly lots of love. To achieve these, she makes use of a variety of mediums including acrylic, charcoal, marker, high-gloss enamel, labels and other materials, her choice of medium, dependent on the look and feel of each piece.

Through various ups and downs, victories and heartaches of life, Ashley constantly channels her passion to art and painting, taking immense effort to convey emotions in her artworks, thus bringing life out of a blank canvas. Her pieces awaken lots of emotions in her audience; ranging from calm and tranquillity to power and dynamism.

Her ultimate goal as an artist is to use her talent and art to be a global catalyst of change. To share beauty, vibrancy, togetherness and great memories with anyone who comes across her paintings. No matter what an audience is going through, the joys of romance or the rigours of work, she wants her art to make people feel warm and calm, to believe in the beauty of hope and the brilliance of colour and light.

She wants to create a touch-point with as many people as possible, cutting across all global barriers, ranging geographical borders, socio-economic and political differences. She, therefore, is working on creating a friendly, yet professional online art ecosystem around herself, her art and her audience, allowing them to interact to share love, light and hope.

Her works can be found in private collections, homes and office across the United States and worldwide.

When not carefully imagining or creating and witnessing a blank canvas come alive, Ashley would probably be enjoying a glass of wine with friends, hiking, travelling or horseback riding; ultimately absorbing inspiration either from the rush and fabrication of city life or the calm and flow of nature.

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