Love, like the movies

I really want to love,
Like they do in the movies,
That last for years and leave no bruises,
Not the type Mr Daniel shows Mrs Lucy
Hold hands outside and are all smiley,
But get home and they start fighting.

I really want to love,
Like they do in the movies,
That they kiss and winds whisper quietly,
Not the type Mr Daniel shows Mrs Lucy,
Perfect father to other kids, hated by his.

Doesn’t just beat them, but “uses” the girls.
I really want to love,
Like they do in the movies,
That they sing in the rain and splash puddles
Not the type Mr Daniel shows Mrs Lucy,
The funniest man at the office,
But a terror in his own home.

I really want to love,
Like they do in the movies,
Where the guy fights and kills for her
Not the type Mr Daniel shows Mrs Lucy,
Is the life of every party he goes,
Beats life out of her when he’s home.

I guess Mrs Lucy will love,
Like they do in the movies,
After I heal from all the bruises,
After my ears hear no shouts,
And the only songs I hear aren’t his groans
After Mr Daniel fights again and kills me

Hope my daughters love again,
Like they do in the movies, Cos just like movies finish,
My life would come to an end
And Mr Daniel would be the star,
Taking credit for playing his role.

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