
I really want to love,
Like they do in the movies,
That last for years and leave no bruises,
Not the type Mr Daniel shows Mrs Lucy
Hold hands outside and are all smiley,'
But get home and they start fighting.
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Sprouted in hate, watered by pain,
My roots got deeper in soils of shame,
I reached out to the sky panic-stricken.
As you did your little gardening,
Dug into me and planted a few seeds.
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Speak! They say,
No one’s listening anyway,
For you’ve got breast on your chest,
And no meat between your legs.
Yes, what you say might be true,
But, who are you to tell us what to do?
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Body rolling on my empty bed, 
I’ve been kept up by my busy head.
Time check, and it’s 6 am,
Been laying here since 10 pm.
8 hours of wild thoughts,
Heavy or light, you help me sort!
Cos to one thing I just can’t point!
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