
Speak! They say,
No one’s listening anyway,
For you’ve got breast on your chest,
And no meat between your legs.
Yes, what you say might be true,
But, who are you to tell us what to do?

Speak! They say,
Reminding me it’s their world every day
Put themselves in high places,
Leave me to handle smaller cases
For a creature that always has a flow,
What could she possibly know?

Speak! They say,
With guns and batons, they block my way,
And in the homes, they show their strengths,
Hitting my body and leaving painful dents,
For she’s weaker than us, smaller than us,
Who put her in a place to talk to us?

Speak! They say,
But remember we’re in charge of your pay!
On the floors, they argue and bicker,
While problems on the streets grow thicker
For my voice doesn’t even count
When they force their way into my pant.

I will continue to speak
And when you choose to listen,
You’d see my ideas are as good as yours
Maybe even better than yours
But don’t tell me to speak
If you’d remind me of the lack of hair on my cheek

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