New morning in mayhem

Body rolling on my empty bed, I’ve been kept up by my busy head.
Time check, and it’s 6 am,
Been laying here since 10 pm.
8 hours of wild thoughts,
Heavy or light, you help me sort!
Cos to one thing I just can’t point!

I fear for my tomorrow,
That one you lie I’m the leader of.
Cos the way this day has started,
I won’t make it through its sorrow.
How then would I see the ‘morrow, 
Especially when it’s sold off,
And the price, a complete rip-off!

We try every day to get the 3 crowns,
Good health, real wealth, quiet death.
Our dreams evaporated before birth
And like dairy farmers, you milk us,
Block us from reaching our peak,
Even when it’s obvious it’s in us.
Could you be loyal? Damn no!

We know as each day passes
And the minutes amasses
It becomes much easier to die,
Than to stay above ground and try.
But our fighters’ blood doesn’t dry
And as long as we remain alive,
Best believe we’d work to thrive! 

As my feet and floor meet,
I know a new dawn is here,
And a new prayer my lips bear.
‘Cos as the unknown unravels, 
And I prepare for new troubles,
I wish it could just be a good day.
But even to that, you say nay!

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